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Newsletter: Imbolc 2025

Writer's picture: midwestcovencastmidwestcovencast
Large bonfire in the forefront with a midwestern, skyline at dusk in the background. Midwest Coven Cast Logo in the top left corner and "Imbolc" in the bottom right corner.

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An Education (Part 2)

For the Yule 2023 newsletter, we provided a short list of college majors and areas of study that could align with a variety of witch types and interests. For witchy folks who are drawn to the mysteries of the universe, academia can be an incredible place to expand their knowledge and sharpen their craft. Whether your passion lies in divination, herbalism, astrology, or the sacred connection between mind and spirit, there are college majors that align with your magical interests. Here are a couple of enchanting fields of study that might call to your inner witch:

Man sitting outdoors on a blanket with bowls, books, and other artifacts in front of him.

Culture Based Practitioners

Perhaps your magical practice is based in a particular culture or perhaps you love exploring ancient cultures, sacred traditions, and the evolution of spirituality. If this is the case, anthropology is the perfect major for you. Studying human societies and their mystical practices throughout history can deepen your understanding of folk magic, shamanism, and ritual work. Plus, learning about different belief systems can enrich your own practice, providing inspiration from cultures across time and space.

Diety Workers

For magical practitioners who work with dieties, there can be a usefulness in being familiar with the myths and legends that exist based around those figures. This familiarity and understanding how myths take form may empower you to draw deeper connections to your chosen dieties and/or allow you to understand how best to incorporate those dieties into your personal magical practices.

A goddess in a white gown stands atop a mountain with billowing clouds in the background.

If you would like to dive into Mythology studies without the cost of tuition, you can give it a go with Crash Course World Mythology.

As an extension of this, you might also consider learning more about religion more generally. You can dip your toes into this area of study through Crash Course Religions.

No matter what path you choose, remember that magic exists in all things—even academia! By choosing a field of study that aligns with your mystical interests, you can deepen your practice while also pursuing a career that fuels your passion. Whether you're drawn to the stars, the plants, or the mind itself, there is a major waiting to align with your witchy soul.

Stay magical, and may your studies be filled with wonder and wisdom!

Sweeping Out the Old: A Broom & Doorway Cleansing Ritual for Imbolc

The days grow a little longer, the air carries whispers of spring, and deep within the soil, seeds begin their slow journey upward. Symbolically, Imbolc is a time of cleansing—both physically and spiritually. People would light candles to chase away winter’s lingering shadows and sweep their homes to make way for new blessings. This ritual carries that tradition forward with a bit of broom-wielding magic to help you clear out stagnation and invite fresh energy into your space.

What You’ll Need:

  • A small broom or handheld brush (a clean cloth works too!)

  • A bowl of saltwater or rosemary-infused water (for a little extra purification power)

  • A small bell, chime, or even a wooden spoon and pot for some joyful noise-making

a besom leans against a tall dresser in a cottage setting.

The Ritual: Sweeping Out the Old to Welcome the New

  1. Set the StageFind your starting point—perhaps the front door, a favorite window, or a space where you feel change brewing. Take a deep breath and imagine winter’s weight lifting from your shoulders. You’re about to send out the old, dust off the cobwebs (real and metaphorical), and open the door to something brighter.

  2. Sweep with Intention (and Maybe a Little Sass)Take up your broom and start sweeping—yes, really! You don’t have to touch every inch of the floor; this is about motion and energy. As you sweep, imagine you’re clearing out doubt, stress, and all the mental clutter that’s been overstaying its welcome. If it helps, give it a send-off:"Goodbye, self-doubt! Take your nonsense elsewhere. Hello, fresh possibilities!"

  3. Bless the ThresholdDip your fingers in the saltwater and flick a few drops across the doorway or entry points of your home. If you prefer, lightly wipe the doorframe with a damp cloth. As you do, say (or think) something like:"This space is open to joy, creativity, and fresh beginnings."Or go full-on poetic:"By water and salt, I clear the way, for brighter things to come and stay."

  4. Make Some NoiseRing the bell, chime, or—if you’re feeling feisty—bang a wooden spoon against a pot. Sound has long been used to banish stagnant energy and call in new blessings. Imagine the vibrations shaking loose any lingering funk and making space for good things to take root.

  5. Step into the Season of GrowthTake one last deep breath and, with intention, step through the doorway as if you’re physically walking into the next chapter of your life. As you cross the threshold, say:"I welcome change. I welcome clarity. I welcome growth."And just like that, you’ve turned your space into fertile ground for all the possibilities Imbolc has to offer.

No Broom? No Problem! (An Alternative for Non-Physical Sweeping)

Woman in black outfit and hat meditates on colorful rug in sunlit room, surrounded by rainbow light and smoke, creating a serene mood.

If you don’t have a broom (or just aren’t feeling the idea of sweeping), you can visualize the process instead.

  • Sit in a comfortable spot and close your eyes.

  • Picture a golden light filling your space, gently pushing out anything that feels heavy, cluttered, or stuck.

  • Imagine this light sweeping through the room, flowing out the windows and doorways, carrying away old energy like a soft breeze.

  • You can still sprinkle saltwater at the doorway and make some joyful noise if that part speaks to you!

Closing Reflection

Imbolc is a celebration of transition—the slow, quiet shift from winter’s stillness to spring’s awakening. Just like the earth is beginning to stir beneath the frost, this ritual helps you clear space for your own growth.

Take a moment to reflect: What seeds are you planting in your life right now? Maybe it’s a new habit, a creative project, or just a mindset shift toward more self-compassion. Whatever it is, know that you’ve made space for it today.

Shadow Work: The Light Within the Shadows

Imbolc, historically a time of transition, honors Brigid, the goddess of hearth, inspiration, and renewal. In ancient times, it marked the end of winter’s deepest grip, as the days began to lengthen and seeds of potential stirred beneath the earth. It was a time to reflect on what was needed for new growth—physically, emotionally, and spiritually.

A woman gazes out a frosty window at sunrise, wrapped in a cozy scarf. Snowy landscape outside, with warm golden light illuminating her face.

Prompt: Reflect on a time when you felt stuck in the “winter” of your life—a period of stagnation, darkness, or dormancy. What seeds of growth or inspiration were lying dormant during that time? How might you have resisted embracing their potential, and why? What lessons can you learn from Brigid’s connection to fire and light about kindling your inner flame during dark times?

Now, think of ways to actively nurture those “seeds” this season. What practical actions or mindset shifts can you take to move forward into your personal spring?

Coven Coloring Series

Stylized broom with floral patterns for coloring, marked "Coven Coloring Series, IMBOLC broom." Logo and text. Mood is artistic and detailed.

It is time once again for the coven coloring series! This turn of the wheel we have a beautiful besom that you can color however your witchy heart desires. Perhaps color this besom as a pre-cursor to doing the cleansing ritual outlined above. Let us see what colorful goodies you all produce. Share your coloring page on social media and tag us (@midwestcovencast). We are excited to see your beautiful works!

You can download the coloring sheet and add to your favorite digital art program or print.

Southern Hemisphere Shoutout: Lughnasadh

Orange candle surrounded by autumn fruits and foliage, set in warm golden light. Text: "Lughnasadh" and "Midwest Coven Cast" logo. Cozy mood.

This turn of the wheel, we at Midwest Coven Cast wish our friends in the Southern hemisphere a blessed Lughnasdh! We send blessings from the north that the start of your harvest season be bountiful! Feel free to check out our Lughnasadh newsletter from the north’s Lughnasadh turn!

Special Thanks

We send along a deeply felt thanks to our Patreon coven for helping us to make all of our media products (podcasts, books, and more) possible! You are all amazing! An extra special thanks to Steve D. and anonymous for being our top contributors. You both rock!


01 February Imbolc Begins (sundown)

02 February Imbolc ends (sundown)

12 February Full Snow Moon (7:53 am CST)

14 February Midwest Coven Cast Presents: Weekend Reads, S4E10

27 February New Moon (6:44 pm CST)

28 February Midwest Coven Cast Presents: Weekend Reads, S4E11

14 March Midwest Coven Cast Presents: Weekend Reads, S4E12

Full Worm Moon (1:54 am CST)

20 March Ostara 

Spring Equinox

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